Topic: Devotion

Our Priestly Duties

Pastor Jonathan Stockstill • January 14

Discover the responsibilities we have as priests in God’s tabernacle.

Sacred Spaces


Preparing for Presence

Pastor Jonathan Stockstill • January 7

Exodus 25: Understand the steps that bring us into right standing with God.

Sacred Spaces

Devotion Worship

The Power of Private Devotion

Pastor Jonathan Stockstill • Feb 26, 2023

What we do for God when we’re alone will make an immeasurable impact when our focus remains solely on Him.

Passports and Passages

Prayer Devotion

Receiving John’s Sermon

Pastor Jonathan Stockstill • Jan 1, 2023

God's the answer to all that lies ahead. Let your pursuit of Him determine what's to come.



A House Built on the Word

Pastor Wayne Brown • Sep 26, 2021

The Bible is much more than a book. Experience all that God’s Word has for you when you make reading it a part of your life. 

A Great House


A House Built on Worship

Pastor Jonathan Stockstill • Sep 19, 2021

Worship is much more than singing a song. Understand everything that our worship does as we enter into His presence.

A Great House

Devotion Worship

A House Built on Prayer

Pastor Jonathan Stockstill • Aug 22, 2021

Prayer is much more than a spiritual activity. Our power is made possible through our constant connection with God.  

A Great House

Devotion Prayer

Leaning IN to God‘s Family

Pastor Jonathan Stockstill • Jul 11, 2021

Christ desires that as we follow Him, we experience unity with the family of believers around us.

Up, In, and Out

Jesus Devotion

Bible Revival

Pastor Jonathan Stockstill • Jan 10, 2021

A strong foundation is built on God‘s word. His word should be: Lifted, Learned, Loved, and Lived.

Rise and Rebuild

Discipleship Devotion